Saturday, May 23, 2009

How to Post a Comment!

Responding to several questions, following are the instructions to post a comment.

First, click on "0 Comments", directly under where my update shows up, next, type your message in the "leave a comment box", then type in the word verification under the box, click anonymous, and finally, publish your post at the bottom!

I hope this helps!


  1. Kyle, Way to go!!! Hope all is well with you. It looks like you ae making good time. Just take care of yourself.

    We enjoy reading about your bike ride. What a way to see the country.

    Thank you for you nice message regarding my accident. The arm is getting better by the day.

    Take care now and we'll check on you in a day or so.

    Love, Aunt Judy

  2. Hi, I can�t understand how to add your site in my rss reader. Can you Help me, please :)

  3. What is captcha code?, pls provide me captcha code codes or plugin, Thanks in advance.
